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Version: v0.6.0


Use Case: Key management.

Actors: Wallet Administrator

Scope: Software system

Purpose: Manage used keys in the Wallet

Type: Primary

Overview: As a Wallet administrator I must be able to manage the keys used in the instance

Typical course of events:

Actor ActionSystem Response
1. The admin logs in into the Wallet via the Admin UI2. The Wallet creates a user session
3. The admin requests a list of keys in use4. The Wallet provides the list of keys without private key material
5. The admin removes an existing key6. The Wallet removes the key from the database
7. The admin creates a new key via the UI8. The key material is generated based on the request of the admin

Alternative Courses:

2a. The user credentials provided are not allowed to manage keys

8a. The provided configuration is not valid to create a new key

Use Case: Credential Issuance via OID4VCI.

Actors: Holder Wallet Administrator (shortened to "holder"), Issuer Wallet Administrator (shortened to "issuer")

Scope: Software system

Purpose: Provide a Verifiable Credential from the issuer to the holder

Type: Primary

Overview: As a holder I want to request a new credential from the issuer

Typical course of events:

Actor ActionSystem Response
1. The holder requests a new credential from the issuer in a offline setting
2. The issuer logs into its Wallet instance3. The Wallet creates a user session
4. The issuer creates a Credential Offer aimed at the holder with the credential configuration5. The Wallet creates the credential offer with a generated pre-authorization_code
6. The issuer shares the pre-authorization_code with the holder in a offline setting
7. The holder logs into its Wallet instance8. The Wallet creates a user session
9. The holder provides the issuers URL and the pre-authorization_code to start the issuance process10. The wallet requests the issuers metadata
11. The holders wallet requests an access token based on the pre-authorization_code at the issuer
12. The holders wallet requests the credential
13. The issuers wallet creates and signs the credential
14. The holders wallet receives the credential

Alternative Courses:

Use Case: Credential Presentation via Control Plane