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Version: v0.6.0

TSG Control Plane architecture

The TSG Control Plane is the basis of an IDS-connector based on the Dataspace Protocol. Therefore, the public interfaces of this control plane follow the specifications and HTTPS binding of that protocol.

The authentication is currently implemented by the means of the TSG Wallet or Catena-X Managed Identity Wallet, that allows for a SSI-based IAM solution for the dataspace protocol endpoints.

A component diagram with the primary aspects of the control plane and the interactions with external systems is shown below.

node "External Connector" {
interface "Dataspace Protocol"

package "Control Plane" {
[DSP Client] ..> "Dataspace Protocol" : uses

package "Dataspace Protocol Module" {
[Catalog Controller] --> [Catalog Service]
[Negotiation Controller] --> [Negotiation Service]
[Negotiation Service] -right-> [Catalog Service]
[Negotiation Service] --> [DSP Client]
[Transfer Controller] --> [Transfer Service]
[Transfer Service] -right-> [Negotiation Service]
[Transfer Service] --> [DSP Client]
package "Data Plane Module" {
[Dataplane Controller] --> [Dataplane Service]
[Dataplane Service] -up--> [Transfer Service]
"DSP Catalog" -down- [Catalog Controller]
"DSP Negotiation" -down- [Negotiation Controller]
"DSP Transfer" -down- [Transfer Controller]
"Data Plane Interface" -up- [Dataplane Controller]

package "Authentication" {

[VP Guard/Strategy] --> [Auth Service]
[Management Guard/Strategy] --> [Auth Service]
package "Wallets" {
[Auth Service] --> [TSG Wallet]
[Auth Service] -->[Managed Identity Wallet]
"Dataspace Protocol Module" --> [Auth Service]

package "Management" {
[Catalog Mgmt] -up-> [DSP Client]
[Negotiation Mgmt] -up-> [Negotiation Service]
[Transfer Mgmt] -up-> [Transfer Service]
"Catalog Mgmt Interface" -up- [Catalog Mgmt]
"Negotiation Mgmt Interface" -up- [Negotiation Mgmt]
"Transfer Mgmt Interface" -up- [Transfer Mgmt]


node "Data Plane" {
"Dataplane Service" -down---> "Start"
node "Wallet" {
"TSG Wallet" --down---> "Presentation Interface"
"TSG Wallet" --down---> "Validation Interface"
"Managed Identity Wallet" --down---> "Presentation Interface"
"Managed Identity Wallet" --down---> "Validation Interface"
"Data Plane" ..> "Data Plane Interface" : use
"External Connector" ..> "DSP Catalog" : use
"External Connector" ..> "DSP Negotiation" : use
"External Connector" ..> "DSP Transfer" : use

The interfaces of the control plane are largely covered by the OpenAPI descriptions in resources/apis and the accompanying schemas in resources/schemas.