Logical view
Backend components:
- Authentication: Provides Guards with Passport strategies to secure controllers.
- DID: Provides the DID document of the Wallet instance, as well as resolvement of DID identifiers to documents.
- Keys: Provides public-private key pairs for signing credentials, presentations, issuance requests.
- Credentials: Provides Verifiable Credential management.
- Issuance: Provides VC issuance process between two wallet instances.
- Presentation: Provides Verifiable Presentation creating/verification, with several supported processes of exchanging VPs between systems.
Frontend views:
- Dashboard: Overview of the Wallet instance.
- Keys: Key management.
- Presentation: Manual Presentation invocation.
- Credentials Overview: Credential management.
- Credentials Issue: Manual issuance of credentials.
- Credentials Import: Manual import of credentials.
- Credentials Gaia-X: Gaia-X Digital Clearing House credential support.
- Credentials OID4VCI: Credential issuance between two wallet instances.